About Ohio Adventist Christian Fellowship

Here’s a surprising fact: Did you know that 65% of Seventh-day Adventist young people attend secular colleges or universities? Studying at a secular college or university presents challenges to a student’s faith. Being at college may be his or her first time making decisions of their own, without mom and dad there to guide them. University studies are stressful, and social pressures are strong. The Ohio Conference has long hoped to minister to students—Seventh-day Adventists and others—on secular campuses. In September, we started a pilot program to place chaplains at three of our state’s universities: Ohio University in Athens, The Ohio State University in Columbus, and Wright State University in Dayton. Here are some of their experiences.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting to Know the Community

Courtney who is one of our awesome ACF Members! We took a day trip to the Aquarium and have some bonding time :) ------------------>

Every Thursday has been dedicated to getting to know other clubs and meeting people on campus. I have been regularly attending InterVarsity Bible Studies on Thursday and have had the chance to meet some other wonderful fellow Christians on campus! I had the most amazing day yesterday! I've been praying so hard, because as you all know, it can be discouraging at times. At Kettering Church, we started the 40 Days of Prayer. I've been praying about our ministries and the courage to be able to witness to people as well as find the right words to say to them. Yesterday, I truly believe was God allowing me to see the real power of prayer.

I started off the day, by going to the local gym to sign up, before the winter :) The young man I met that was registering me asked me what I was here for and why I moved here. I told him about our ministry and a little on my background. After that he just had so many questions. It was definitely the Holy Spirit working through me, because we ended up having almost a 2 hour conversation about the Seventh-Day Adventist religion and he just kept wanting to know more. He does not attend Wright State University, but he is 21 years old and was excited to hear we have a collegiate program at our church and gave me his information and has since, been keeping in contact and trying to find a way to come to a social of some sort. It's a step in the door and praise God that I could find the right words to say to him that allowed his heart to be open to it all.

The rest of the day I spent on campus, which I met with one of the girls, Jessica, and we were able to sit down and have lunch together and learn about one another. Relationships!! :) They're so exciting! I got to know her better and learn where she was coming from and her enthusiasm for this ministry, as well as her brother.

I was also able to meet 2 gentlemen in Inter-Varsity and after the Bible study we sat there for almost two hours and talked about our religious views and Jesus Christ and our spiritual beliefs. One gentlemen was a Quaker and the other was non-denominational. They were excited to hear about the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and they had this view that we were a cult and not excepting to other religious backgrounds. It was awesome to hear their stories and gain a better understanding of one another.

Right after I finished talking with them, I met this other student who is an Atheist. We began to talk about his views and he was so open to listening and learning about Jesus Christ and he had the immense views that we were all so judgemental and were there to condemn people. I told him, that God is the only one here to judge and the rest of us are here to be disciples, love and follow him. It was so amazing to me to see the light in his eyes. I invited him to a social we're having and let him know it was a church function and he, was incredibly excited about it. Praise God! :)

Yesterday, was such a blessing to me. There are many other stories from yesterday and the love that we show to people and the willingness to listen to their views, really allows them to open their hearts to us and see Jesus Christ through us. So, although we will have our discouraging days or sometimes weeks, remember that God will bring people to us in the way he sees fit! Praying for you all!! :)


  1. Sabrina,

    This really encouraged me :) What a Spirit-led day! So excited for what's too come...

  2. Yey for relationships! You are salting everything you touch Sabrina. Praise God for Divine appointments.
