About Ohio Adventist Christian Fellowship

Here’s a surprising fact: Did you know that 65% of Seventh-day Adventist young people attend secular colleges or universities? Studying at a secular college or university presents challenges to a student’s faith. Being at college may be his or her first time making decisions of their own, without mom and dad there to guide them. University studies are stressful, and social pressures are strong. The Ohio Conference has long hoped to minister to students—Seventh-day Adventists and others—on secular campuses. In September, we started a pilot program to place chaplains at three of our state’s universities: Ohio University in Athens, The Ohio State University in Columbus, and Wright State University in Dayton. Here are some of their experiences.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Athens ACF's February Collegiate Service

At our small church in Athens, we have dedicated the third Saturday of each month as Collegiate Service. This month, Shanika Thompson, student at Hocking University, blessed us with the sermon – speaking of the importance of perseverance and reminding us that faith + perseverance = success. In addition, we were blessed to host The Sojourners, a Ghanaian singing group from the Columbus area. During our Collegiate Service, they blessed us with their voices and after our delicious potluck, The Sojourners graced the stage once again for an afternoon concert. We were brought to the throne of God and truly worshiped. What a high Sabbath this was!

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